After reading through these two wiki’s on what computer gaming is and means to ESL instructors I have come to the conclusion that the EVO classification of gaming is more prevalent and useful to read through as a concise presentation of computer gaming. The rational for this decision was based on the depth of presentation. In EVO they present the argument for computer gaming based on explanatory use of different platforms of gaming; while Mawer’s wiki presented the obvious and glaring positive aspect of games in the classroom.
This is not to say that there is no value in Mawer’s wiki, there is. His wiki presents a great coverage of his personal adaptation of computer games to his classroom and his found valuable uses. This material presented is very valuable for any instructor who is lacking the base of information, the materials, previous experiences with gaming (in and out of the classroom), and those who are not creative. An added benefit to his page is the inclusion of links to the games he is referencing too.
Your review coming as it does from a gamer is very informative.